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Hooray Hooray Hooray, Play Snickers Hungerlings Attack and win lots of prizes.

Snickers’ Hungerlings Attack Challenge

Yesterday was a fun day for few bloggers who was invited by Omnicom Media Group to witness the launching of Snickers Hungerlings Attack promotional flash game here in the Philippines.

Snickers has come up with a challenge through a flash interactive game that can be found at Mechanics are simple! All you have to do is choose between two challenges via keyboard or webcam then catch snickers bar as they fall from the sky. The faster you catch the bars, the bigger your chances of winning. Hey, did I just said “winning”? Yes you read that right, you can have a chance to win tangible items for you to keep and enjoy.

With Hungerlings Attack challenge, the company behind Snickers are willing to reward participants of the following items:

PrizeNumber of units for Augmented
Reality (every 2 weeks)
Number of units for those using
keyboard/mouse (every 2 weeks)
Cash value per unit
1st PrizeSony PlayStation 31 Unit1 UnitPhp 20,000.00
2nd PrizeNetbook1 Unit1 UnitPhp 20,000.00
3rd PrizeG Shock Watch3 Units3 UnitsPhp 5,000.00


So how do you play the game? first of all, head over at and register. You need your own account so your best score would be recorded.

  • Player can use either webcam or keyboard to play

Print Augmented Reality marker from
Place marker in front of the webcam
Choose from a list of hungerlings
Eat as many SNICKERS chocolate bars as possible by moving your head

Upload your photo
Choose from a list of hungerlings
Eat as many SNICKERS chocolate bars as possible by using the arrow keys and spacebar on key board

  • Prizes will be given based on the shortest time taken to grab enough SNICKERS bars to make the participant turn to his/her original face.

Scores are separate for those who use the webcam and for those who use the keyboard.

Participants are required to key in their basic personal details, including name, identification number (may be school ID number, SSS number, driver’s license number, or TIN number), mobile phone number, and email address when they register to enter the game.

All times to complete task will be automatically logged in to the game system.

  • A winner can only win once in the entire promo period.

Should there be ties in the 5 shortest completion times, Mars will determine the final winner by conducting a slogan-making contest among those who have tie scores. The best slogan-writer/s as judged by Mars will be considered the winner/s.

There you have it pinoy gamers, sali ka na before someone else snatch those yummy prizes. Contest will run from April 1 to May 15, 2011.

For the third time, here’s the game’s link Flash is required to play the game.

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