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Jerico Vilog

Also known as Salleh. Mostly playing Philippine Ragnarok Online: Valhalla Server. Working as web developer for Hangad I.T. Solutions.

Countdown to Ubuntu 8.04 Official Release

Its just a matter of days before Canonical Ltd. releases the next upgrade of Ubuntu – The Ubuntu 8.04 – Hardy Heron. I myself am excited to try this new operating system, developed by the community that supports open source, and experience the numerous of improvements they made over the current version Ubuntu 7.10 – the Gutsy Gibbon – released …

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A Dose of Doppelganger

Introduction I have written this article to provide facts, figures and ideas on Doppelganger Card which as far as I believe is bloated on RO private server. You might be so excited to use this card on your favorite weapon and hit lock your enemy to death. Thinking probably, that the super mega ultra blazing speed you see on private …

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Baphomet Horns: Ragnarok’s New Headgear

Baphomet seems to be celebrating the new year and making himself felt at Ragnarok Online by introducing a new headgear named after him. He probably doesn’t want to be forgotten as new and stronger MVPs are being introduced in Philippine Ragnarok Online by the recent patch Rachell and the upcoming patch Veins coming this February. Just today, Level Up! Games, …

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